Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Do You Want?

Ok guys, try to be democratic here. I am going to ask the readers of "Fighting in Texas" what you want out of my blog. Would you rather:

  • Clinical descriptions of treaments, how they are going, my reactions, and changes to the treatments.
  • Funny missives coming from a man (that's right) with cancer, light on the tech descriptions.
  • Deep ponderings about the meaning of life, and how they fit into my families situation.
  • Pictures of me and my family.

you guys let me know either through email or comment on the blog. If you don't have my email, I am sure you can get it :)

BTW Jake and Jen are going to the Wiggles today!


Jon said...

All four would be great - although don't stress yourself out if it's too difficult to do all four. But if you wanted, you could do them in categories ...

Jack said...
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Jack said...

Hey, J.P.! I think that you should put whatever you want on the blog - since it is YOURS. I do enjoy reading whatever you put on there.

For me, it is an easy way to get an update on how you are feeling, no matter what time of day it might be [that way I don't have to worry about waking up you, or the family].

I am proud of your strength, and I will continue to pray for you even after this thing has been whipped! Keep on fighting, and know that my thoughts are with you often.

Love, your sister-in-law in law, Kirsten