I go in tonight, so I think this is a good time to go through my routine. All last week and this weekend I have been making sure that the fridge and freezer is stocked for Jen and Jake. The last thing she needs to do is go to the grocery store. I also made a meatloaf and a lasagna that I left in the fridge.
The morning of my admitting I call to get a password to the wireless ineternet at the hosipital. I don't get admitted until after 7pm, so I get this taken care of early.
I bring the same things to the hospital every time. Here is my packing list:
- Pajamas, Tee-Shirts, Slippers: I refuse to wear hospital gowns, so I wear jammies all the time in the hospital.
- My X-Box 360 and Games: I bought this after my second trip to the hospital. I have brought it with me ever since, and it helps relieve the boredom.
- My Laptop: to read email and sometimes even get some work done. The hospital has wireless internet, which is very helpful.
- Candy Candy Candy: I bring candy to eat when I can’t eat anything else. I also like to have it to give to the army of nurses and doctors that I see on a daily basis.
- My Pillow and Blanket: A little touch of home away from home.
- Decorations: Cards from Jake, pictures of my family, and a bunch of signs Kelleye made for me.
- Books and Magazines: I am bringing The Long Tail to finish up, and I usually bring a Business Week or 2.
- Me: I wish I could leave this at home!
I’ll be in for a week. Wish me luck!
Peace, Love, and Hershey’s